What is this place!?
Euro Goldfish is an attempt to bring European fancy goldfish enthusiasts together, and to share our knowledge, experience and passion with each others.
We face some special challenges in Europe and in particular within the EU, when it comes to keeping, buying and shipping fish. This is especially the case with goldfish.
We are here to help each other navigate around these regulations and limitations, and celebrate what works. In the end, we want all who are interested, to enjoy our passion and share our enthusiasm.
Start by joining our Discord!
We are am very open to suggestions, so if you feel like there is something missing on this site, or if you have a good idea, please do add it as a comment bellow or join our Discord server. If you do add a comment, you can optionally create an account, so that you can…
by members

Do you want to post here too?
I have created this website, for anybody who keeps, breeds or sells fancy goldfish in Europe. Even people who make products, food, tanks, filters etc are welcome!
If you like sharing your day by day fish keeping with others, you would be more than welcome to use this site for it! Send me a message, with a few lines about you, and your interests, to get started. It is free!
5 fish incoming soon!
It has been some time since I last got a restock, but now I have 5 fish on their way. They are pretty small, so not a huge addition, but I am hyped nonetheless! At the same time, it is the first time that I am ordering from a shop in Italy, so i am…
Baby accident
I found a local goldfish keeper, who’s name is Morten, who had goldfish babies back in may. He has been growing them out ever since, and recently tried selling them. I decided to buy some from him, so I drove over to him to check them out but also to check his hydroponic system out…
We are am very open to suggestions, so if you feel like there is something missing on this site, or if you have a good idea, please do add it as a comment bellow or join our Discord server. If you do add a comment, you can optionally create an account, so that you can…
New fish in the tank!
Two new fish have moved in, and although they were re-homed from a previous owner, I don’t feel that it would be fair to call them rescues.
3 x RIP
I have recently lost three fish to injuries, genetics and infections. This would have put be off previously, and it still has, but I now know that this happens to even the best of us
The story of Frank – one of the first goldfish that I got back when I started keeping goldfish, in the end of 2022
Last chance for the baby
I have had this tiny little baby for just over a week, and I have tried almost anything that I had. I started off with an antibiotics treatment, combined with salts, to fight any bacterial and fungus infection that it could have had. The small bite marks it had when I got it, are more…
Borrowed Rescue
I convinced the local petshop to let me treat this baby black moor in hope that it would not get infected
Wendy got hurt!
Wendy got a small injury. I am afraid of treating it though, because sometimes trying to help can cause more damage than actual help